
December 23, 2010

And Then They Tell Two Friends... (A/K/A Teaching Kids How To Count)

I have a certified backyard habitat, which means I like to try to attract birds and butterflies and I try to tolerate the other critters we get in the yard. We put up several bird feeders and a heated birdbath for our feathered friends, which we are particularly careful about filling during the winter. Recently I tried out a Kaytee sock filled with nyger seed for the goldfinches. I had previously offered the seed in a regular thistle feeder, which got some traffic. Wow, those socks are AWESOME (except for the serious drawback that for some reason they seem to drop a bunch of seed at about the halfway point - need to figure out what is causing that).

Remember that old commercial about how "they'll tell two friends and then they'll tell two friends and so on..."? :)

1 comment:

  1. If you build it they will come... er - uh - buy it anyways. :)
